Friday, June 14, 2019

Analyzing the word "Programming"

The word programming (Shortened form of Computer Programming) is basically a process which takes the computer problem to an executable solution/program. We can define it in many ways but the simplest definition of a program is “A precise sequence of steps/instructions to solve a particular problem”. “This process of making a program is called Programming”. “A Person who makes a program is called Programmer”. I would like to give you a real-world example to understand this logic.
Suppose you have to go on a picnic. What will be your first step? Obviously, you will program your picnic. You will think about when to go, where to go, what kind of stuff you should take. These are steps in a precise/specific order to solve the problem of “picnic”. The most important thing to remember is the order/sequence of steps. Because you can’t go on a picnic without thinking where you will go. First, you will decide the place and then you will go. So, the order of steps matters.
Being more general, writing the program involves writing steps, procedures which result in Algorithm. So, algorithms are written in specific languages called Programming Languages. There are some examples of programming languages like C, C++, C Sharp, PHP, JAVA, Python, etc. These are High-Level Languages, can be easily understood by humans. First, you have written your program; next, you will debug, compile and test it. There are number of software’s (Programs) are available for debugging, compiling and testing. After the creation of your program; you have to maintain it also.
Debugging is a process through which the bugs/errors in the program are highlighted and resolved. There could be two types of errors in a program. First Syntax error; Second is Logical error. You should not worry about the syntax error because the editor in which you’re creating that program will highlight that errors for you and your program will not compile also. So, you can easily identify the syntax errors in your program. But when there is a logical error in the program occurs, it is difficult to identify that error. These errors can cause serious problems, even crush your program at run time. So, there is ready-made software available to sort out such type of problems. That software called Debugger.
Compiling is a process through which your written source code (high-level language) is converted into machine code (low-level language). The code that is easily understandable by computer is called Machine code. Machine code is not easily understandable by humans and hard to code, so we write a program in high-level languages and compilers/interpreters convert it to machine code to make it executable. The difference between compiler and interpreter is that interpreter process the code line by line; if there is an error in any line, it will stop there but compiler process the whole code at once. The concept of the compiler was first mentioned by Grace Murray Hopper in 1952. She took up the concept of reusable software (compiler) that could convert high-level language code to low language machine code in¬ her paper entitled “The education of a computer”.
At the end, I will mention some rule of thumbs that are learned by programmers.
  • 1. While programming, always keep in mind the consistency.
  • 2. Make your code reusable.
  • 3. Initialize variables before use.
  • 4. Comment your code liberally. Don’t forget to comment your code.
  • 5. When you are done, revise your code, check it and test it. Let your colleagues to test your program.
  • 6. While giving a handle to the user, protect it by checks and tests to ensure correctness and keep data private as far as possible.
  • 7. Make interface of your program user-friendly.
  • 8. Pay attention to detail. It is the most important point to remember. When you’re given a statement problem, analyze it carefully.
  • 9. Program defensively.

Cryptocurrency! Which one is the best to invest?

In the 21st century, human life is altered totally to a new shape. All things from living lifestyle to the daily routine, almost everything has been altered. As we go back in the past, we use simple way for trading like a hand to hand cash or an asset equal to the amount. But as compared to this era in which we are living, the method of trading is totally different. Now there are many techniques and methods are available to secure the transactions. One of them is Cryptocurrency.
It is a digital currency or asset in which encryption techniques like cryptography is used to secure the transaction. It is used to generate the units of currency and to verify the transfer of funds.
There are many cryptocurrencies in the market, but some of them are notable, famous and secure. We will discuss some of them here.

1.       Bitcoin:
It is the first digital currency which is decentralized, because its mechanism works without a central bank or any single administrator. In its mechanism, transactions or transfer of funds takes place between users directly without including any third party. The process that makes it secure is the use of cryptography.

2       Litecoin:
It uses Scrypt as the hash algorithm. Its creation and transfer of funds is controlled by an open source cryptographic protocol. It is not managed by any single administrator. Its basic technical details are the same as Bitcoin. The major difference between Bitcoin and Litecoin is that Litecoin aims to process a block after 2.5 minutes as compared to Bitcoin's 10 minutes.

This cryptocurrency is Chinese based in which digital assets and contracts are developed. It is formerly known Antshares. It includes DBFT (Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance) algorithm which is consensus procedure.

4      IOTA:
This cryptocurrency basically uses Tangle which means it stores the transactions in Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG). Tangle is alternate of blockchain which is used in Bitcoin. This cryptocurrency was designed specifically for IoT (Internet of Things). IoT means the network of things like devices, electronics which can connect with each other and can exchange data.

5       Ripple:
It is also called Ripple Transaction Protocol (RTXP). It is a currency exchange network designed for peer to peer debit transfer. The most important thing to note is that it is not based on Bitcoin. It works better when no direct exchange between two currencies is available, so it is also called bridge currency.

So, as we discussed some of the cryptocurrencies and if we notice Market Cap, it is fluctuating. It varies in cryptocurrencies. According to Market Cap and security, Bitcoin is most profitable cryptocurrency. Ripple and Litecoin are also depending on user’s choice. Enthereum can also be a good choice to invest.

Should all students be required to take a course in Computer Science some time during their education?

In our everyday life, if we observe our routine, we will find that the computer has a vital role in fulfilling our needs. To understand the role of the computer first, we have to pursue the semantics of the computer. Basically, the computer is a device which follows a sequence of operations to solve a problem or to compute something. According to this definition, we have a lot of computers around us. We have mobile phones, watches, laptops even a washing machine has a type of computer embedded in it.

When we all are dealing with computers, then we should also know how they actually work. Kids are computer whizzes. They are playing games but do not know how it is working. We are living in the digital age, and it needs more computer experts. We can’t deny that all of our systems are running with these computers and in some perspective, we can assume that we are addicted to it. As a kid study mathematics in school, it does not mean that he wants to be a mathematician, but it is the foundation. Same applies to computer science. We should not ignore the computational thinking aspect of computer science. Problem-solving and analytical thinking is the backbone of each person in any career. When we are learning computers, we go through many programming languages that enhances our logical thinking. We learn to make strategies and to solve problems in a creative way.

Digital literacy is made compulsory in most institutions around the globe. We send emails daily, but at the same time, we have to be aware of online scams like phishing website links, fraud, spam emails. We also do some online shopping from a website. Assume that we are exposing our secret credentials on such a platform that we do not know about. It looks pretty dangerous. Understanding things like digital currency, cloud, encryptions and how information is transferred and made available online, these are the most important things to be aware of nowadays. So, we can say that each student should learn at least digital literacy to compete.